Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) diagnostic and monitoring devices

Handheld innovative pain-free cancer prognosis monitoring and screening devices provide patients and medical personnel with dynamic optical images under label-free and tracer-free conditions, having high spatiotemporal resolution and accuracy.
Provide a single cancer heat release contour map and a 4D map
Show single cancer spatiotemporal orientation in deep tissue
Show how cancer formed and when metastasis happening
Selective: at a single cell concentration discriminated from other cells
Signal Amplification: thousands of times higher than the antibody labeling method
Sensitive: detects a single cancer cell in less than 1% of the weight of an HIV viral
Fast: seconds for detection without sample preparation
Pioneer Neuron®

More than 5 million Americans had Alzheimer’s in 2019, and 55 million had dementia worldwide in 2020. Current technologies are not able to diagnose Alzheimer’s at an early stage. ABS’s patented break-through innovation in electrochemical sensors provides an early-stage asymptomatic diagnosis for Alzheimer’s, trauma brain-injured (TBI) and epilepsy with high spatiotemporal resolution and accuracy displayed in dynamic energy-sensory optical images.
Sensitive to an early asymptomatic sign of brain circuitry dysfunction when an air small energy change triggers the circuitry output
Identify troublesome spots in the brain causing neuronal diseases with high spatiotemporal resolution
No tracers
No harmful high magnetic field
Accurate and fast to monitor
Easy and simplified procedure
Portable and affordable
Able to identify Alzheimer’s disease (AD) neuronal dysfunction from asymptomatic to late stage in four stages using the 3D dynamic map and sensory-energy optical images.

Little Deer®
A Touching Story

A decade ago, Dr. Chen had the opportunity to share the joys and sorrows of diabetic children during an evening outing at a local summer camp. In the meeting, Dr. Chen met some lovely children and their families who suffered from childhood diabetes. Dr. Chen saw a small child, about 2-years old, ran to her, who was suffering from type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes and showed her tiny finger, which she had to do several times the finger pricks for testing glucose. While holding the little hand, Dr. Chen felt a turning point and a call to action. She realized a need to make a difference in the lives of these children to resolve the unmet needs. The image of those painful little fingers has forever etched into Dr. Chen’s mind. It has become a source of strength for her to develop revolutionary technologies to help patients improve their quality of life.
Handheld Glucose Sensor
Better accuracy and precision
Reagent free technology
Painless and interference-free
Stable at a wider temperature range
Longer shelf life
Better data for hypo- and hyperglycemia range
Environmentally Friendly [no toxic contamination in manufacturing process]
Exceeded FDA and ADA performance standards using human serum specimen samples with or without hyperglycemia.
Pioneer QSensing®

ABS team has developed a new type of superconductive/mem-element qubit device used for room temperature dual-functioning of quantum sensing, memory storage, and quantum computing, without an external magnetic field applied. This is based on a self-powered electron-relay system with 150k Flexible Toroidal Josephson Junctions (FFTJJ) arrays built. The first patented Pioneer QSensing(R) can quantitively detect proteins in human serum at zero-bias potential, that the superconducting current and the quantum conductance is exponentially proportional to the protein concentrations using a cyclic voltammetry method under antibody-free and protein interference-free conditions.